Our Innovations

TDR Foundation is a Not for Profit Organisation 'NGO' created with a unique target of supporting innovations and disruptive new technologies. We have been able to create a platform to support nascent innovative ideas for a realistic design.

Founding member & former ISRO Scientist, Mr. Rakesh Aggarwal has patented two innovative technologies worldwide. These disruptive technologies are supported by group of highly experienced professionals from Prasar Bharati, IGNOU and others under TDR Foundation umbrella. The innovations are validated by leading universities and further work on Pilot project is in final stage of testing. We are at advance stage of validation of following disruptive technologies: -


“GURV” Wind turbine Technology:

A unique combination of innovation and design able to combining two perpendicular acting forces, drag and lift, in a supper efficient design making best of both at the same time. This unique engineering marvel is capable of going beyond, the Betz limit of 59% defined as the maximum conversion limit.

Our experts from various institutions have validated the outcome and implementation of this new “Drag cum Lift” wind turbine is about to be introduced in the market. Initial trials indicate more than two times more power output is achieved even in a small prototype. This game-changing concept with super efficient design has the capacity to meet the energy needs of the entire world with cheap green energy, making Fossil Fuels irrelevant.

The essence of the design lies in its ability to convert  two perpendicular acting forces known as DRAG &  LIFT, both supporting the rotation by continuously  adjusting the attack angle of the blade in response to  its rotatory position with respect to wind direction. This  dynamic adaptation of attack angle optimizes the drag  force generated as the blades move with the wind and  ingeniously converts reverse drag into lift force (adding  to drag force) during part rotation as the blades move  against the wind.

A press release inviting eminent media both print and electronic introducing the disruptive technology was very much appreciated by senior generalists of leading news papers. Press release….

‘Z-Mod’ modulation process:

Going beyond known principal of carrying information in side bands, Z-Mod goes beyond this concept, by carrying many times more information within the carrier  frequency (<1 Hz.) and eliminating sidebands completely. This concept Reduces channel bandwidth to less than 1 Hz and increases data capacity many times with double advantage. In addition it is also a green initiative with reduction in radiated power requirements to less than a percent.

Following points high light the invention:-

  1. The invention claim includes direct generation of “modulated carrier waves having pure sine wave properties” in unambiguous terms, which is different from conventional modulation processes.
  2. Z-Mod  system reduces transmission channel bandwidth requirement to “Zero” resulting in reducing the noise floor by 40 dB or more.
  3. Each cycle whether a sine cycle or zero voltage cycle carries distinct information in itself.
  4. Present invention does not use conventional multiplication process, between carrier and modulating signal thus removing generation of intermodulation products.
  5. Z-Mod technology is universally applicable to all known modulation types, including combinations of AM, PM, FM etc. and improves spectrum efficiency and power efficiency in them invention claim is for generation of “complete sine wave cycle” of carrier waves in “cycle by cycle steps” with complete 0° to 360° cycle being an element.
  6. Invented process claim defines and generate three types of pure sine wave cycles carrying including “Zero voltage cycle” to carry information.
  7. Invented process claim include modulating analogue signal bandwidth of up to one third and more (as per Nyquist Theorem) of carrier frequency or more with zero side ban.

ABOUT TDR Foundation:

The word TDR stands as the short form of “True Digital Radio”. TDR promotes the next generation of radio communication systems, with an inexhaustible, truly digital modulation method, aptly named as “Z-Mod” for the benefit of the entire world.

Another innovation being promoted by us is in the field of green energy.